The example given was a subset of 'movies' data from IMDB - looking at movies with over 100,000 rating votes and grouping them by year and rating bucket. A basic bar chart representation was shown below:
When I looked at the question (and whether the data could be reshaped into a 'motif' chart), it seems like an interesting exercise to explore a few things:
- Importing and using custom fonts in R
- Dynamically generating images from a list of variables (in this case, years)
- Creating custom grobs which could then be rendered in ggplot
The chart I managed to produce is here, and the commented code below:
require(ggplot2) require(png) require(plyr) require(grid) require(extrafont) #font_import(pattern="Show") RUN THIS ONCE ONLY #load the fonts loadfonts(device="win") #create a subset of data with big votes big_votes_movies = movies[movies$votes > 100000,] #create a custom palette and append to a table of the unique years (labels) years<-data.frame(year=unique(big_votes_movies$year)) palette(rainbow(nrow(years))) years$col<-palette() #function to create the labels as png files writeYear<-function(year,col){ png(filename=paste(year,".png",sep=""),width=440,height=190,bg="transparent") im<-qplot(1,1,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,geom="blank") + geom_text(label=year,size=70, family="Showcard Gothic", color=col,alpha=0.8) + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),axis.text.y = element_blank()) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = NA), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = NA), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "transparent"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "transparent"), axis.ticks=element_blank()) print(im) } #call the function to create the placeholder images apply(years,1,FUN=function(x)writeYear(x["year"],x["col"])) #summarize the data, and create bins manually summarydata<-big_votes_movies[,c("year","rating","votes")] summarydata$rating<-cut(summarydata$rating,breaks=c(0,8,8.5,9,Inf),labels=c(0,8,8.5,9)) aggdata <- ddply(summarydata, c("year", "rating"), summarise, votes = sum(votes) ) aggdata<-aggdata[order(aggdata$rating),] aggdata<-ddply(aggdata,.(rating),transform,ymax=cumsum(votes),ymin=c(0,cumsum(votes))[1:length(votes)]) #identify the image placeholders aggdata$imgname<-apply(aggdata,1,FUN=function(x)paste(x["year"],".png",sep="")) ymax<-max(aggdata$ymax) #do the basic plot z<-qplot(x=10,y=10,geom="blank",xlab="Rating",ylab="Votes \n",main="Big Movie Votes \n") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "transparent"), text = element_text(family="Kalinga", size=20,face="bold") ) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(8,9.5)) + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,ymax)) #creat a function to create the grobs and return annotation_custom() calls callgraph<-function(df){ tiles<-apply(df,1,FUN=function(x)return(annotation_custom(rasterGrob(image=readPNG(x["imgname"]), x=0,y=0,height=1,width=1,just=c("left","bottom")), xmin=as.numeric(x["rating"]),xmax=as.numeric(x["rating"])+0.5,ymin=as.numeric(x["ymin"]),ymax=as.numeric(x["ymax"])))) return(tiles) } #add the tiles to the base chart z+callgraph(aggdata)
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